Project: Integrated care and support service business development in the RCNM, supported by the Austrian Development Agency, Austrian Red Cross, Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia, Swiss Red Cross
Availability of the software to RCNM and training: 7 days after signing the agreement
Overall objective of the consultancy: Procurement, delivery, training and maintenance of a software solution for monitoring alarm devices on 110 emergency button alarm devices
Deadline for submission of bids: 7 days from the day of the announcement
- OVERALL OBJECTIVE of the subcontracting for delivery of services: Purchase of a software solution for monitoring the Emergency Button service
With the increasing trend of the aging of the population in the Republic of North Macedonia, the demand for integrated care and support services for older women and men is currently much higher than the supply. The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia (RCNM) is a nationally recognized, professionally experienced provider of health and social aid to older men and women in need of assistance.
However, RCRNM also relies on foreign assistance to continue delivering life support services to older women and men with health and dignity. This reliance on assistance is a challenge to providing quality services in the long run. The project “Integrated care and support service business development” supports the Red Cross to continue to offer quality services for integrated care and support for older women and men by developing a comprehensive business model for sustainable service and delivery in within its organization. The business model consists of three pillars in order to help the vulnerable elderly, as well as to generate income to finance long-term health and social services. The project aims to lead to independence and lays the foundations for self-sustaining service delivery. The second pillar within the project is the piloting of the Emergency Button service. 60 older men and women in Macedonia will be selected as users for the newly introduced model, with a monthly fee for using the Emergency Button service in the Republic of Northern Macedonia. The emergency button will be a 24/7 service, which the users of the elderly population will be able to use in their homes, by pressing the alarm device, intended to be worn, whenever they find themselves in a condition that is not life-threatening, but is serious enough and needs urgency, first aid and support (injury, broken limbs, accidental fall, wound bleeding, burn injuries, medical emergencies, allergic reactions, etc.). Through the devices, they will be able to communicate with the Operators from the Contact Center, which will provide them with fast and efficient access to appropriate support and assistance, by professionals and first responders in case of emergency. RCNM will establish an efficient Emergency Button service, which is inspired by the Austrian and Swiss experiences for effective operation of services for care of the elderly population. The project is designed as a Strategic Alliance with the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). The Austrian Red Cross (AutRC) manages the project, while the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia (RCRNM) is the implementor of the project activities.
- 100% cloud-based platform for efficient and scalable alarm management
- Remote access via mobile/web
- Generate alarm by incoming call
- Dedicate specific resources for specific alarms
- Integrated voice communication and Telephony (VoIP)
- Flexible design that can be adjusted to customers own process
- Real time positioning on map (indoor and outdoor)
- Distributed alarm handling – on the field with a Mobile Response App
- Integrated Alarm App
- User-friendly interface that does not require extensive training
- Technical assistance with software problems on 24/7/365
- Software installation and software usage training
- Data storage according to GDPR in North Macedonia or an EU country
2.1.1. Subscriber Data Management:
The solution must be able to manage subscriber profiles by entering/updating/deleting the necessary data:
- client basic data (including address, contact details, key safe code, comments)
- client additional data (medical history, regular medications, comments, payment details)
- relative’s data (including address, contact details, comments)
- link documents to the client’s profile
The system is structured by organization/group. The hierarchy of the system is based on two or more levels (group and subgroups for example). It is possible to give access to an external group to manage the data of the specific customer without being able to access data of other organisations.
- Alarming
for the treatment of alarms:
- Receiving of alarms and displaying of client’s profile
- receiving of technical alarms (e.g. battery alarm)
- documentation of all incoming alarms (including voice recording)
- easy access to documented interventions and data
It is important to describe the voice recording system, how it is made and where the recorded files are stored.
The system must be compatible with SCAIP (Social Care Alarm Internet Protocol) which is currently the standard used by most alarm device manufacturers.
The system must be open for implementation of other communication protocols if required (e.g. protocols for mobile devices with location).
- Language
The software solution is in English or Macedonian, with a possibility to write the data in Macedonian/ Cyrillic.
- Reporting and Statistics: the system must provide possibilities for:
- Monitor the devices (by using the periodic alarm function)
- Generate reports and statistics at the subscriber, devices and events level
- Generate automatic reports and send them via e-mail.
- Stock management for devices
- Interventions
The partner intervention organisations (internal or external) must be able to connect to the system for:
- retrieving the history of interventions of a specific client.
- entering the intervention report online.
- Transfer existing data to the new software
- AWS Certification for High Security, Integrity & Compliance (GDPR)
- Certificate for ISO 27001
- Certificate for ISO 9001
- ELIGIBILITY entities must fulfil the following requirements:
- Be a company in North Macedonia or another country in Europe
- Be able to provide a tax-free invoice according to national fiscal rules
- Have a bank account whose holder name must be the same as the applicant.
- How to APPLY:
The entities should submit the following documents:
- Technical offer including completely elaborated architecture and the properties of the solution by referring to the different themes mentioned in this document.
- Financial offer should include following costs
- One-time costs (set-up, training, data migration, …)
- Monthly running costs (platform fee up to 200 devices, mobile application users, …)
- Variable costs (telephone costs per minute, …)
- Detailed explanation of the structure/solution
- Professional portfolio and 2 project references (maximum 2 pages)
- Registration certificate from the central company registry
- For international applicants it is required to have a product developed in EU/EFTA countries and provide a statement for origin of the good/service by the company applicant
- For international applicants it is obligatory to provide an EFTA/EUR. 1 Certificate
- One-time costs 14 days after signing the contract
- Monthly running costs and variable costs for the software solution after completion of the set-up